Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Always There

Back in September Jason and I started watching LOST. I had never seen it before and he wanted us to watch it together - from the start. He had every season on DVD. He would just smile as I asked him questions like "what is that sound?" "are they really brother and sister?" It would drive me crazy because he would never answer me. He would just smile. He didn't want to ruin the surprise. There is a character in the show named Jack. I would tell Jason "you're Jack, you're totally Jack." Jack was the one who was always taking care of everyone else - even to the point of denying his own needs. Jack was the one that said "count to five..." which Jason had tattooed on his arm.

Jason was there for me so many times in so many ways. I'll just share the most recent example with you. The day before Jason was to have his biopsy at National Jewish I wasn't feeling too well. I texted him that I was going home from work sick. Jason's response? He called, and then texted. "You ok? Can I get you anything?"  That was Jason. It didn't matter that he had much bigger things to worry about than my little cold, he still wanted to help.

I love him and I miss him and I know that he is up in heaven watching over all of us - like Jack, but about infinity times better.


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